We believe that all children should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and have a right to an education that develops each child’s  aspirations and develops their full potential.
All class teachers and teachers of children with Special educational needs and disabilities are responsible through first quality teaching for meeting their needs with advice and support of the schools SENCCO,Teaching assistants and advice from external professionals.In school we follow the’ SEN Code of Practice’ (2014) that takes into account the ‘Children and Families ‘(2014).

At Sacred Heart we work in partnership with parents to ensure that pupil’s special educational needs are identified and assessed and that strategies are developed to meet those needs, providing a secure environment for the children’s educational, spiritual and emotional development. Regular meetings are held to discuss outcomes of individual pupils and review interventions and external support needed.

The School’s SEND policy, gives more detail about the various stages of assessment - it can be downloaded below.

Our SENDCO is Mrs Diane Shanley . To contact Mrs Shanley please email or ring 01582 287480

Further information on the Luton Local Offer can be found on their website - the link is:

This website provides a wide range of useful information about SEND including how provisions such as CHUMS can be accessed and where to buy resources such as sensory toys.